UNDP-led consortium including RMI awarded with USDoL 4.5 M$ grant to address mica-related issues in Madagascar

On February 9, 2021, The United States Department of Labor (US DoL) announced a US$4.5 million grant to be awarded to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Responsible Mica Initiative, UNICEF and Terre des Hommes Netherlands to eradicate child labor in Madagascar’s mica mining sector and to improve working conditions in Malagasy mica supply chain.

One Mission, Three Outcomes, Three Mica Producing Communities

The consortium collectively committed to work and combat child labor in the mica supply chain in Madagascar, through strengthening the resiliency of vulnerable households in mica-producing communities, building the capacity of the government, and increasing the engagement of other stakeholders involved in mica supply.

Throughout the project, three outcomes are expected:

  • Adult workers in mica communities have sufficient revenus to sustain their family
  • Children are protected and their rights are being respected
  • Supply chain actors actively contribute to a fair and responsible mica supply chain

This joint project will target three mica producing communities in the southern Anosy region of the country: Ranopiso, Tranomaro and Ambatoabo. It will involve national and local authorities, and communities throughout its 4.5-year implementation period.


A Dedicated Role For The Responsible Mica Initiative

The Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI) will support the restructuring of artisanal and small-scale mining operations, with support of the Alliance for Responsible Mining and the CRAFT Code, and by promoting the adoption of responsible workplace practices – including absence of child labor, safer and fairer workplaces for adult workers, reduced impacts on the environment,…

Building on its experience in India’s mica sector, RMI will also promote the application of a Global Mica Workplace Standard among mica processors in Madagascar.

An analysis of the socio-political economy and a mapping of the mica supply chain and stakeholders are also planned to demonstrate the importance of the sector and build multi-stakeholder support for reform.

Benefits For All And Synergies With India

This award comes as a confirmation of the relevance of RMI’s multi-stakeholder action & impact-driven approach. Not only it will increase visibility of mica-related issues, but it will also foster cross-learning between India and Madagascar, leading to obvious efficiency gain.

US DoL press release can be found here.

Consortium press release can be found here in English and here in French.