Engage multiple stakeholders under a Coalition for Action to contribute to the establishment of a fair, responsible and sustainable mica supply chain in Bihar & Jharkhand that is free of child labor and provides responsible working conditions
India is the world’s largest source of mica, a mineral that is used in a wide range of industries. It is mined extensively in India’s east states of Bihar and Jharkhand where a variety of factors contribute to poor working conditions including the use of child labor. The region is poor, and families face financial pressure to bring their children with them to collect mica. The mica workforce lives in villages that are largely dependent on mica and offer little access to education, health care and government services. The region and the mica industry, in particular, lacks enforcement of laws and regulations needed to provide enforceable oversight of the industry. There is no mechanism to incentivize the adoption of workplace and labor standards or to prevent illegally mined mica from entering the global mica supply chain.
To address the multiple underlying causes of child labor such as poor working conditions, the Responsible Mica Initiative takes a holistic approach by implementing three program pillars simultaneously. Each program relies on close collaboration among partners and stakeholders.
The Responsible Mica Initiative is a Coalition for Action committed to operating according to five principles which reflect our mission, goal-oriented programs and partnership-based approach to enabling a responsible and sustainable mica supply chain in India free of child labor.
Think holistically – Be action oriented –
Stay humble – Innovate – Collaborate above all
The prevention of child labor is a central tenet of human rights. RMI members subscribe to many global conventions that call for the global business community to respect and protect human rights. On behalf of its members, RMI’s goals and programs fulfil numerous global mandates for responsible business practices and supply chain sourcing. While many non-profits address child labor and human rights abuses, RMI is one of the few global organizations devoted solely to addressing workplace conditions and the use of child labor in the mica industry. By supporting RMI, members turn policy into practice and strive to transform the mica industry into sustainable places to work and transform neighborhood communities into better places to live.
The Responsible Mica Initiative was established in early 2017. Yet, prior to that year, some of RMI’s founding members were already engaged in efforts to eliminate child labor and poor working conditions. However, their experience demonstrated that a more collaborative and holistic approach was needed to create a scale that would achieve the desired impact and an inclusive solution leading to long-lasting change.
The Responsible Mica Initiative is non-profit organization, registered as an association governed by the French law of 1901. It is headquartered in Paris, France – SIRET n° 829 943 976 00011. RMI is not a buyers’ group because members do not participate in trade agreement discussions.